Weird Al

So I was listening to the radio the other day, and I heard a song with a familiar chorus. I said to myself "Hey, this song has a familiar chorus." However, it was missing something... something like an accordion. That's when I realized that it was one of the songs used in one of many polkas made by the master of parodies himself, Weird Al.

Is it weird that I remember his lyrics to the songs better than the "original" ones? And I definitely know I can't get on to American Idol by singing Albuquerque- despite the fact that I know every single word by heart. (For those of you who don't know, it's an 11 minute song about a man who leaves a life of sauerkraut and travels to a town in New Mexico, where he goes on a quest to take back his lucky snorkel from a one-nostriled man, on top of buying doughnuts and doing other things that would probably be considered manslaughter- you can't spell it without 'laughter'.) I guess I can still pass it off as another pointless talent though.

Weird Al pretty much defined the music of my childhood, and still sneaks into my present to remind me of those fun times. Keep it up, man.

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