Just to clear things up, this isn't actually a prequel, but I just figured since it's the fourth installment that I would make it one, kind of like star wars...
You know, the Capcha is to make sure that you're a human or not. After some of these, I'm beginning to doubt my own humanity...
Equathon: it's like an equation, but in 17 parts. Did I mention I hate math? |
Just because I hate it doesn't mean I don't recognize made up numbers. How many thousands go into a betzely again? |
Haha, if you tried to type in a B, you would be wrong! It's actually an eszett. |
It's like the American Flag! I think I'll try 'merca'. |
Looks like the encoder is very relentless with his attempts to stop me from postin- oh shiiiiii--
Fear not, I can save us!
Via XKCD |
That will show you, encoder. And just for the lulz:
Do trolls even drink wine? I don't... |
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